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...she's Beautiful

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6 May
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...Beauty ProDucts

1.Tuu be happee always

2.Ever-lastiing frenshiip

3.Acheive gd results always

4.A crumpler

5.Adidas or Puma Bag

6.Pencil Case!!In need!!

...Other beauties


[x] Aaron'

[x] Aileen'

[x] Alicia'

[x] Atiqah'

[x] Bee Chin'

[x] Calista'

[x] Cheryl'

[x] Dorothy'<3

[x] Eelynn'

[x] Emily'

[x] Esther Lam'

[x] Esther Tan'

[x] Eugene'

[x] Gabbie'

[x] Hontat'

[x] Hui Qi'

[x] HuiShan'

[x] Jared'

[x] Javier'

[x] Jiaxin'

[x] Jing Wen'

[x] Jing Yi'<3

[x] Joshua'

[x] Jovin'

[x] Liming'

[x] Natalie'<3

[x] Richoon'

[x] Rui Yang'

[x] Shannon'

[x] Sihui'

[x] Siying'

[x] Sze Ting'

[x] Tammie'

[x] Tiffany'

[x] Vannie'

[x] Wai Seng'

[x] Ying En'

[x] Yiqi'

[x] YuChun'

[x] Yumiko'

[x] Yu Ying'

[x] Zoe'


[x] Anlee'

[x] Corrine'

[x] Sheila'

[x] Sihua'

[x] Sophia'

[x] Susanna'

[x] YangYang'

[x] Zixin'
...Beauti Talk


...Beauty Memories

...Beauty Calendar

27/8-->Joyce (ahpa!) Burfdae

28/8-->Cross-country run


30/8-->Going to NHHS fer a programme

31/8-->Going bac JWPS!!

1/9-->BIG DAY!!GOIN P-E-R-T-H!!


8/9-->Mum's burfdae;class bbq

11/9-->sch reopen

12/9-->Meetin abt perth trip

1| 2

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com

Hab been soooo bz these few days.All cos of tmr's Vesak Appreciation Party cum Dumpling Festival Celebration..It'll be at around Tanjong Pagar..
Im e Emcee oso one of the reciters..so i hab tuu rehearse twice wad others hab to..T.T
Nvm aft tmr jiu ok le-!!((:
Aniway i got to wear blazer-!!wOOts-!!Lurb it man-!!So happee-!!HEEX
Becos of dis i hab to skip lunch fer 2 days..actually today oso cant eat de..Bud thx to Ms Lee Haolan & Dora..Ms lee gimme $10 to eat..Hl & Dora helped miie buy..Ehh i dint use finish e $10 hor..I shared among all e reciters..Dey wan bubble tea & tt made up $7.20..So i oni left $2.80..so i ate a burger which i hab to pay another 40 cents more & a bubble tea..lols.Thx hl & dora..^^
Hope everything go well tmr..*prayin hard

Yesh..Holidays come liao..Gotten back my results..Totally not happee..Nvm don wanna say more..I'll jiayou fer e next two terms.=)
One prob hab been solved ba.We hab tel him le & he realised le.Im glad.Real glad.I don wan dis to spoil e frenship.Not worth it de.Euu did greatly fer dis two terms.I sincerely congratulate euu..=]
Now stil hab another prob.sianx la.haiis.am i being sensitive petty or childish??I dunno..Sometyms i realised e ppl hu don hang out wit miie often tend to be more concern abt miie den e ppl hu hang out miie everytym..When i not feeling well..my seniors make it a point to sms or ask mie if im alright..I dint say e others don concern abt miie.i noe dey do.Bud..haiis..I dunno how to say la..mayb im REALLY being very petty..budden dey jux gimme e feelings..Somemore i don tink dey treat miie as their gd fren or bestest fren..haha..miie childish hor..wadever la.suan le i don wan continue le..& i make it clear tt no hatred is in my heart..

Ohya 1 more thing..i wanna announce smth-!!Attention-!!Attention-!!Listen up-!!
*drum rolls
Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com

Lost in beauty & faith ;